måndag 4 april 2011


Everyone is talking about them, how cute they are, if they have a special thing they do, dance or singing.  Some of us talk Gold.  I used to buy and sell for about a year or two. I bought  Dragonhawk hatchlings from Fairbreeze Village outside Silvermoon in Eversong Woods. Listed 2-3 of each color for a few Gold each. They sold very easy, so I raised the price and they still sold. At that time I was the only one selling them. Then one day I logged in to check AH and someone listed like ten of each color for about 1g each. I just snapped and never bought another one. I dont understand how someone can destroy a market like that.
Never ever destroy a market! Never!

A new patch is coming up, with new achivements.   www.wowhead.com
you can read about them here.

So, people will start collecting again, a very nice opportunity for a low lvl.

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